Light Movements 16mm 11 minutes colour silent 1977 / short extract

Light Movements is comprised of four sections of film of the same view of a path through an Oak Wood on Wimbledon Common, filmed in different seasons. This film continued an ongoing exploration of light and movement in natural phenomena and landscape, and the way in which it is represented in film form. It was also the beginning of an ongoing investigation of the ontological differences between viewing the still and moving image.

Subtle changes and shifts in light and movement were recorded in each season with each of the four film sections sharing the same predetermined time of 2’ 49’ (100ft reels of 16mm film). By using a fixed camera frame and comparable film durations a space-time structure was established for the observation of light and movement. Central to this was an interest in the way in which changes in light effect our perception of space, and how this phenomenon is then represented and perceived in film form. ‘Real Time/Space’ was therefore intrinsic to this film; the 1-1 correspondence between the camera recording time, the projection time and the time taken to view the film. It presents the viewer with a continuous observational and contemplative film experience. The film was made to allow for unpredictable and chance elements which could occur during the filming stage. The degree of change in light and movement could not be anticipated from the time the camera started recording each continuous take.
