The Tree is fast becoming an important symbol for the anthropocene at this time of increasing climate change and our diminishing biodiversity.
This film was made over a 10 year period from 2010-20 as a result of close observation of a Beech Tree in different weather conditions.
The film explores differences in the representation of the tree and surrounding landscape as the image of the tree changes very slowly or is either fully of partially obscured as a result of the prevailing weather conditions. Changes as a result of mist clearing brings the image of the tree through slow transitions from visual obscurity to its gradual appearance, analogically similar to seeing an image develop on photographic paper in a print darkroom
As the film was recorded hand held in long continuous takes, ‘real time’ equivalents are intended between the recording and viewing time, with the possibility of the film becoming a reflexive and phenomenological viewing experience.
Also of interest was the ways in which the film represents changes in colour and spatial qualities as a result of transformations in light and differing weather conditions.
Sound also plays an important part in the film, particularly in the way in which it’s unpredictable ‘out of frame’ occurrence, influences how the visual image is perceived.